When I Rule the World

The Rockstarberst Show
7 min readSep 10, 2020

There comes a point in everyone’s life when they realize just how little they know about anything.

For some, it’s when they go to college and realize how grossly unprepared they are for their studies. For others, it’s when they become parents for the first time, and realize that they are in no way, shape or form qualified to take care of the new, shiny, tiny human they are solely responsible for. For others, it comes when they have been trapped inside for weeks of an unexpected quarantine, and they finally have the time and resources to do all the digging and learning that their primary education failed to teach them.

If you’re in the last group, you’ve got a friend in me.

I cannot tell you all the rabbit holes I’ve fallen down in the past several years, but I’ve been a pseudo researcher for nearly 2 decades. I’ve always had a passion for the truth — the real truth, not just the stories and narratives that have been sold to us over the years — and I consider myself a critical thinker, I ask tough questions, and I’m not afraid to wander out to the fringe to see what’s out there.

Now, I’m trying to take all the information I’ve gathered and compile it into a piece that somehow makes sense. I’ll be writing a much more in-depth article, but wanted to get my initial thoughts out, and then do a deeper analysis from there. I’ll admit, even I feel like I need a tinfoil hat once in awhile, and I’m purposely writing from a place of fact, fabrication, and fiction — to 1. keep you intrigued, and 2. to keep you thinking. If the lines seem seemingly blurry, I assure you…they are.

So, without further adieu, let’s dive into what’s happening in the world around us.

2020 started off with a bang. Literally. Kobe Bryant died in a (strangely predicted, so strange indeed) helicopter crash, and just as the world was working through it’s grieving process, COVID-19 came and put the planet on a literal lockdown. Was Kobe intentionally killed for trying to expose a corrupt Chinese pharmaceutical company?

But is it any wonder that misinformation, disinformation, and flat out conspiratorial thinking have sprung up, seemingly out of control? The American people are tired of their hyper-partisan media, but more importantly, they’re tired of being lied to. So, they’re seeking out, for better (and for worse), alternative news sources. But many of them are uncovering things that they never knew before, even though they are incredibly important parts of American history. Many of them are starting to ask questions — difficult questions. Many of them are starting to dig for answers.

There have been 2 Americas for quite awhile now. I’d argue the true divergence came after 9/11, but it’s been splitting, most likely, since the 1960’s, and some would argue even earlier than that. To use the phrase popularized (although not originally said) by Mark Twain: There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics. The media is busy populating our news with tragic stories of COVID-19 victims and have warned us that if the numbers don’t go down, we will be under Marshall Law, er, quarantined indefinitely. There is an America that is perfectly okay bending to the whims of the WHO, CDC, Fauci, and the MSM.

Then, there’s the other America, that’s waking up to the reality that the economy is collapsing (or, most likely, already collapsed) and they are standing up to the powers that be. I won’t get into the unconstitutionality of government deciding which businesses are and are not essential in this article because there are so many other things to cover.

It is no secret that fear has been used to control people for centuries. In fact, there have been numerous bouts of fear that have been instilled just in America, and at this point it’s multi-generational. From the assassination of JFK on live television, to the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald on live television, to the Cold Ward, Watergate, the Vietnam War, The Gulf War, Bill Clinton’s impeachment, 9/11, the 2008 financial collapse, and now COVID-19. And what’s worse is that many of us have been traumatized and not healed or have been given very little to no closure on historical events.

Take, for instance, the assassination of America’s 35th President, John F. Kennedy. While there were plenty of questionable things that happened the day he was shot, there were even more suspicious things that happened afterwards. Example, the fact that Lee Harvey Oswald was murdered by Jack Ruby, in a basement that was full of policemen before ever being able to give his testimony of his assassination of the president.

Ruby was a crooked cop, and I’m sorry, but the whole story is absolute bullshit, and anyone who is an objective, critical thinker has to see that there is something more going on than what the official narrative is. But Americans were expected to deal with it, and move on. And anyone who questioned the official report, which of course, was spearheaded by Allen Dulles (who was so, so crooked — and forced to resign from his position at the CIA under JFK) was labeled “a conspiracy theorist.”

How convenient.

For the record, trauma really messes you up. Being manipulated, lied to, and forced to believe groupthink are inherently bad for your psyche and should be treated by a therapist. But most of us either don’t realize the extent of our wounds or we don’t have the luxury of psychological care, so we just keep on keeping on, carrying out baggage, issues, and trauma right along with us.

Does it have to be that way? If so, why?

Remember Pinky & The Brain? That cartoon about a genius and imbecile mouse who wanted world domination?

They’d start off every episode with Pinky saying, “Gee, Brain, what do you want to do tonight?” And Brain would say, “The same thing we do every night, Pinky — try to take over the world!” It’s much easier to control people when they’re scared. Remember that.

I like to think about world domination, too. I don’t have the money, prestige, or power to do so, but let’s pretend for a moment that I did. Here’s what would I do if given the chance to control the populace:

First, I’d would need the infrastructure in place. I’ve identified 2 key players for the global domination game:

  1. Media
  2. Technology

It isn’t new news that the a majority of our media is owned by just 6 corporations. 90% of it to be exact, which this 2012 article makes known. And while you were busy not paying attention, and most likely listening to the Rachel Maddow’s and Bill O’Reilly’s of the world, the framework had already been in the works for years

If you don’t think the media is constantly gaslighting, manipulating, and flat out lying to you, you’re an idiot. But it’s not your fault. You probably don’t know that the CIA paid journalists to promote its messages, or that the CIA has assisted in 60 film and television shows since its formation in 1947. I’d make sure to be hidden in plain site, and by forging relationships with the mainstream media and Hollywood, it would be oh-so-simple to go mostly undetected by the majority of American citizens.

All my talking points would be aligned because the main sources in which people consume their media would come from the same few news outlets, and of course, Hollywood, which is the monopoly of the film industry. I’d also have one news source that veered politically one way to appease people on one side of the political spectrum, and the other remaining news sources would work to discredit the “outlier” regularly.

Having the media on-board is super helpful, you know, a built-in propaganda machine. But what’s even better than having the media in your back pocket is having the technology in place to keep track of humans.

If you don’t think this is the first time this has been tried, you know, tracking humans, I highly suggest researching IBM and their ties to Nazi Germany. It was no secret that Thomas J. Watson, IBM’s then president was working hand-in-hand with Hitler to destroy the Jews. I don’t know why they don’t teach you this stuff in school. It’s almost like they make history boring on purpose in school so that you never want to go out and do research on your own…

But we’ve come so much further than just tattooing numbers on the arms of prisoners who were ripped from the homes and unwilling sent to the gas chambers. Today, we willing give up personal data regularly — no questions asked, and no force required. But we still don’t have a way to consolidate all of the information about a person in one place. Or, at least, we didn’t.

All of that changed with a little known group called ID2020 who is launching a program to provide you a “digital ID” through a vaccine.

What’s interesting is that ID2020 is funded both by Microsoft and Gavi — both companies run by Bill Gates. What’s even more interesting is that one of the other partners is the Rockefeller foundation, which was notoriously involved in financing eugenics, especially race theory and race science.

Strange how many of the initiatives that Gavi and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have kicked off have been in Africa, no?

You can learn more about Gavi here. I can tell you that it’s not a conflict-free organization, and the institution is riddled with corruption on various levels.

Bill Gates has a rich history with vaccines — and they also make him a lot of money. In fact he said his greatest investment was his $10 billion investment into vaccines which turned into “$200 billion worth of economic benefit.”

He also has a rich history with Jeffrey Epstein who he met with repeatedly — and also gave $2 million to. Interesting.

Oh wait, sorry — we’re not talking about Bill Gates plan to take over the world, we’re talking about my plan. But Bill Gates’ plan seems so much more interesting, so let’s keep diving into it.

I never fully bought into Pizzagate, but I do find it curious that Marina Abromovic, the woman who was responsible for the infamous Spirit Cooking dinner, made her way into the now-deleted Microsoft commercial. Coincidence? Is the NWO just fucking with us at this point?

Gates has been involved in some sketchy behavior over the years. The Microsoft antitrust lawsuit laid the groundwork for the “benevolent monopoly”.

To be continued…

